Hey Moms and Dads,
We all dream to live in a perfect world, a world where everyone is friendly and ready to help each other. But unfortunately, this is not quite the case. We come across many instances where we have to face many unpleasant experiences…but have we ever thought that our little ones too go through these experiences? Yes, bullying at school-going age is real and it’s best to deal with it as soon as we witness early signs. Come let us explore more about it:
Kinds of bullying:
- Being called names on physical appearances like – short, tall, fair, dark, fat, skinny or straight away ugly.
- Some kids might be bullied because their parents are rich, others because they are poor.
- Being bullied for the smallest of innocent mistakes like being a messy eater or having a fall while playing.
While the way a child is bullied or why he or she is facing these experiences might differ from case to case, but it badly affects the children and their growth. To understand the gravity of this problem and find real solutions we need to break this problem into small pieces – why do bullies bully, how to recognize when your child is being bullied, what to do when you know your child is being bullied, how to prevent bullying at school.
Reasons for becoming bullies at school age:
- Insecure family life: Most kids who become bullies have problems at home, they might be facing violence or extreme scarcity of love or resources. They do not want to show themselves as weak at school and so try to overpower other kids and bully them.
- Peer pressure: Some kids might get influenced by their peers into bullying others and might do that for the smallest of incentives like being friends with a famous child/group in school.
- Prejudices: This again comes back to the upbringing at home and the surrounding. If the child is raised in a place where racial or gender discrimination is prevalent or where parents and neighbours have a strong negative opinion about various classes of people, it is very natural and easy for the kids to pick up such opinions and exercise them at school in whatever manner they possibly can.
Recognizing if Your Child is Being Bullied:
Chances are that your child is bullied if:
- They hesitate to go to school.
- They hesitate to go out to play.
- They can’t sleep at night.
- They cry when you leave them alone for a few minutes.
- They hide things like toys, books, clothes, etc.
- Are nervous about little day-to-day activities that they were previously comfortable with. For example; bathing, getting dressed, being dropped to school by parents, etc.
Dealing with it:
- Be genuine
- Ask your child if something is bothering him/her
- Tell them it is okay to share their concerns with you
- Once they start opening up, be careful and ask for clear questions – how, why, when, who?
- Keep comforting them and making them feel cared for
- Tell them there is no reason to be worried or anxious
- Talk to their teachers and school authorities
- Try helping the bullied kids with some counseling
While bullying is definitely an unpleasant experience, but with dedicated efforts, it is possible to deal with it.
Happy parenting!😊